This picture is pretty. Anyways,several things to jot down for the day=
1. So it has been 4 days that i've been sad. Haha
2. I have issues
3. Can i cried out loud right now? Apparently not,don't want my parents to get worried.
4. But i don't want to be depressed.
5. I want to be happy instead.
6. There's these theory = adrienne's theory i think? Sorry for the wrong spelling. My dad said that this theory explains a person like myself. The theory says that i'm the one who makes myself like i am now. For instance,i am a shy person because i myself thinks like there's something wrong with me. So basically i'm to blame. Get it? Oh yeah,i'm not sure of the theory is exactly like what i have just said or not. Didn't check about it yet,i've just heard about it from someone else so i'm not sure if the theory is right or not.